Well, Biggles and I spent the day yesterday (Sunday) at a fundraiser for shelter animals sponsored by Shelter Me, Photography.
Biggles, is the perfect ambassador for an event of this type because he was, in fact, a rescue from a shelter. My friend Robbie and I MC'd the event. It was blazing hot. I mean Tarzan hot. Africa hot. Or just Denver on August 28th hot. We have been breaking temperature records all month. You really have to give props to all of the volunteers who showed up and worked in that kind of crazy heat.
The physical space, was provided by Aspen Arbor Animal Hospital . In addition to the hospital facility, there is a Whole Pets, which offers natural food, supplements, and all kinds of products for your dog or cat or what ever type of animal you love.
At that same location there is also a unique facility, CRCG, which stands for Canine Rehabilitation and Conditioning Group. It is as the name implies, a rehabilitation center for your four-legged best friend. A lot of the rehab is water-based, with all types of different rehab pools. They also boast a public dog swimming pool, which is set up for dock dogs practice.
A fun time was had by all. Personally I would've liked to have seen a lot more people there, but on a hot day like that, I can certainly understand why people might want to stay inside. As far as I'm concerned, this is just an another reason why people should get out there and rescue shelter dogs. The heat effects poor doggies too. Most dogs, especially shelter dogs, don't have the wherewithal to cool themselves off. So it is incumbent upon good, kind, compassionate human beings to adopt them and do something about this heat. I know that I'm pretty shameless when it comes to generating excuses for you to go out and adopt a homeless pet. If this particular heat argument worked, great! If not, adopt a pet, anyway. I hate to sound like a broken record (does anyone even remember broken records?), but, adopt a pet, adopt a pet, adopt a pet, adopt a pet…