I put on a lot of weight recently, because when I traveled internationally people didn't believe I was an American.
Have you noticed, lots of our fellow countrymen are looking more and more like the blob-shaped passengers on the spaceship from Wall-E?
Maybe that's why they refer to the proposed trans-continental pipeline as XL, to appeal to the excess-driven American public. By God, if we're gonna have a pipeline running through our heartland, like some sort of Borg bypass surgery, then it had better be X-tra Large!
Did it ever occur to anyone, why don't the Canadians build this pipeline to the Pacific? Or to Hudson Bay? Or to the St. Lawrence River? Perhaps it's because the Canadians aren't as greedy and stupid as we are.
This proposed pipeline will create jobs! Yeah, maybe. About 6000 transient, temporary, boom town-like oil field jobs. That ought to solve our unemployment problem.
America will benefit and profit from lower oil prices? Really? This oil (using the term very loosely) is going to the Gulf of Mexico to be sold on the global open market. We'll have to bid on it like everyone else, we don't get to siphon some off along the way. That is, except for the inevitable leaks that will happen all over the route of this monstrosity.
No one is noticing, but the big corporation are starting to divest of their money in fossil fuels and slowly investing in alternatives. Would these greedy a-holes do that if they didn't anticipate a huge profit? I think not!
Stop the mind-numbingly stupid XL Pipeline and try to get used to not using fossil fuels. It will serve you well in the long run.
And it will serve the planet well.
Baby steps...
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